When building a website, there are several perspectives that need to covered:
- Design – Graphic Design and the layout of the site’s pages
- What does the site look like?
- What is its structure and navigation?
- Are the pages easy to get to?
- Function – What does it do?
- Does it need a shopping cart?
- Does it need to take payments?
- Will there be photo galleries? A blog/news section?
- Do the pages load quickly?
- Can you find information quickly by searching the site?
- Content / presentation
- Are you able to supply the “content”, meaning the text that tells your readers what you offer?
- Do you need help fine tuning that text?
- Photography / Graphics
- Do you have eye catching graphics/photos that will help draw the reader/prospective client in?
- Can you supply great images for your blog or shop updates?
- Marketing – SEO, digital advertising
- How do you get “eyeballs” on your site?
- How do you convert those eyeballs into sales or leads?
Then there’s also software updates and maintenance, protecting it from being hacked, web hosting and so on…
Depending on the type of site / business / goal (e.g. to sell something, convey a message or entertain), these are not necessarily stand alone tasks. Many of these areas cross over, but you need to put on some different hats and think about each one its own right, as well as how they fit together to create the whole
Electrik can assist with all of these.